International Symposium on Sustainable Geochemistry and Critical Minerals
21 January 2025
LT-F, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong, China
Welcome to SGCM2025
International Symposium on Sustainable Geochemistry of Critical Minerals will focus on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner, and policy gaps in environmental sustainability with respect to the geochemistry of critical mineral resources.
Sustainability issues related to geo-resources have attracted considerable attention in our society. Substantial knowledge of the geochemical perspectives is critical to understanding how natural systems work and the way anthropogenic activities impact natural processes. Geochemical approaches enable us to address environmental problems such as the fate and transport of contaminants and to suggest remediation strategies. The SGCM 2025 symposium will provide an excellent opportunity for participants to exchange information with fellow scientists, engineers, policymakers, and industrial personnel. This conference will draw concerted efforts to provide updated scientific and applied knowledge regarding innovative methods for a critical understanding of CO2 sequestration through mineralization, mineral-organic interactions in contaminant fate and transport; significant parameters controlling the mineral formation, alteration, and dissolution; complex reactivity at the mineral-water interface; impacts of energy extraction, storage, and consumption on the ecosystem; etc.
The conference will be organized around subject areas of interest to industry, academics, agency/policy, NGO, and other audiences:
• Recovery of critical mineral resources
• Recent developments in computational and modeling research
• Geochemical transformation at the mineral-water interfaces
• Long-term carbon mineralization and storage
• Novel materials for CO2 capture and utilization
• Advances in environmental engineering focusing on geochemistry
• Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment
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